Omega 7 Benefits: How Omega 7 Fatty Acids Benefit Your Health

There’s been a lot of talk lately about different Omega 7 fatty acids (and the other Omegas – 3, 6 and 9.) It can become confusing knowing which Omega fatty acids are “essential” and “non-essential.” All of these fatty acids have some amazing health benefits that you don’t want to miss out on. Omega 7 fatty acids, in particular, have some health advantages that a lot of people don’t even know about. Here are some of the ways Omega 7 benefits you and how it can increase your overall health.

Hydration is essential for both the inside and outside of your body. Omega 7 benefits you from the inside out and is an excellent way to improve the overall hydration of your body. Omega 7 fatty acids help lubricate the mucous membranes, which helps with dry eyes as well as vaginal dryness common in many postmenopausal women. Externally, you’ll notice a significant improvement to your skin and lips because Omega 7 will provide a natural barrier to keep moisture in the skin.

Omega 7 benefits your gastrointestinal tract and can help with excess acidity, ulcers, and indigestion. Gastrointestinal discomforts like pain and burning in the stomach are often eased when regularly taking an Omega 7 supplement. Just as lubricated mucous membranes can help ease the previously mentioned dryness issues, GI issues are reduced or eliminated as a result of better lubrication. When large amounts of Omega 7 builds up in the lining of the stomach, it helps protect the linings. Omega 7 fatty acids can help with the chronic pain that often comes from acidic foods or ulcers. When your GI system is running smoothly, your energy increases and you feel healthier overall.

Omega 7 benefits your skin in many ways and aids the collagen in your skin, which helps heal from various types of damage. Skin problems can also be eliminated with Omega 7 fatty acids. This includes acne and other problems caused by inflammation. In addition, healthy, hydrated skin helps prevent loss of skin elasticity so that skin is protected against wrinkles. You’ll be amazed by how much younger you’ll look and feel when regularly taking Omega 7 supplements like the Omega 7 Blend. Your hair will be shinier and your nails stronger and healthier.

The way Omega 7 benefits your heart is amazing. It can help lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease because it helps regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition to regulating these levels, Omega 7 can help reduce fat cell accumulation and keep artery walls smooth and strong so that blood can flow easily. Omega 7 fatty acids also help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol and has been found to be instrumental in weight loss or control. All of these factors improve the health of the cardiovascular system overall and help with so many other conditions or diseases.

So, in summary, by consuming omega-7 foods, you can:

  • Reduce risk of heart disease
  • Reduce risk of blood clots
  • Maintain blood pressure
  • Stabilize blood sugars
  • Lower bad cholesterol
  • Protect against diabetes
  • Boost immune system
  • Renew energy
  • Rejuvenate skin and hair healthSOURCES
    As research continues, experts are uncovering more natural sources of health-enhancing elements such as these omega-7 fatty acids. They are now used to treat conditions that before would only respond to pharmaceuticals or highly restrictive diets, like metabolic syndrome, which treatments caused other problems.

Experts have particularly pinned the palmitoleic acid in Omega 7, also its most prominent acid, as the source of most of the benefits.

So, how do you get it? There are many Omega 7 supplements that can help you get the Omega 7 your body needs to be healthy.

There are also many Omega 7 foods that provide health benefits as well. Here are some of the best foods to find Omega 7 fatty acids in:

  • Sea buckthorn
  • Macadamia oil
  • Dandelion oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Pomegranate oil
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • HerringThere is still research to be done on omega-7, so the recommended daily allowance (RDA) has not been set, and it may not be realistic to try to get a suitable amount through your daily diet. In that case, you may want to consider a supplement, but not all supplements are created equal.

Fish oil is being advertised as a great source of omega-7, and while it does exist in fish oil supplements, it may not be the healthiest source thanks to the environment in which the fish are caught and the process used to create the supplement.

When you look at all the ways Omega 7 benefits your body, it’s easy to see why you need more Omega 7 fatty acids in your body. Whether you get it through Omega 7 supplements or through food, it’s something that will help you feel and look your very best.